Red Flags Flying in America

A number of articles appeared at the end of July covering a “march of 500 communists,” but almost entirely in foreign papers, ignored by the majority of American news outlets, save for one right-wing outlet seeking to raise the heart rate and blood pressure of its audience. I, myself, only became aware of the event after being contacted by comrades abroad. So, what was this about, and who are these people?

The event was organized by a “new” party called the Revolutionary Communists of America. I say “new” because the organization already existed as Socialist Revolution, and the new name is just part of a larger rebranding by a Trotskyist group, formerly known as the International Marxist Tendency, which is now called the Revolutionary Communist International, in keeping with their tradition of redundant names.

The RCA applied for and received a permit for the march from the city of Philadelphia, complete with the protection of the local police (who estimated the participants at a more sober 300.) This demonstrates well that the rulers are unafraid of communist symbols, actually defending the right to their use under the umbrella of free speech.

Let’s have a look at the reason for the formation of this party in their own words[1]:

“History has produced a generation of communists in the United States. Now, a new political party has been officially founded to unite them under a common banner: the Revolutionary Communists of America.

Our party seeks to unite all earnest communists and class-conscious workers into a cohesive force that can lead the US working class to the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism—in our lifetime.”

Well, the production of communists on any significant scale in the US is news to me, let alone a generation of them, but with a couple more contextualizing quotes from their parent organization, a clear picture begins to form.[2]

“…young people call themselves communists, although many have never read the Communist Manifesto and have no knowledge of scientific socialism.”

“It is no longer necessary to convince broad layers of the youth of the superiority of communism. They are already communists.”

So, the RCA considers a communist to be anyone who expresses approval of the word communism, or who identifies themselves as such. Curiosity about the ideas of communism and dissatisfaction with life under capitalism are surging, especially amongst young people, which they call a “communist” generation. They reach out to them with posters saying, “Are you a Communist? Join your Party!” Those young people, uncertain about their future and glimpsing a faint hope in communist ideas, are offered the slogan of “revolution in our lifetime.” They, having “never read the Communist Manifesto” and having “no knowledge of scientific socialism,” cannot tell the difference between scientific leadership and opportunism, and find themselves paying dues and selling newspapers for the opportunity to march under red banners in front of confused motorists in Philadelphia.

In general, this is a good sign. Young people really are taking an interest in communist ideas, and even the RCA has to acknowledge that Trotsky is not a popular figure with them – it is not Trotsky’s image that they use for recruiting, but that of Marx and Lenin. For many, interest in communism will only be a phase, but some will seriously take up self education. Many of those that drop out will be more receptive to communist ideas later in life. The study and propaganda of Marxism remains legal. Politicians certainly make use of anticommunist rhetoric to attack the PRC and each other, but do not directly threaten communist education.

Young people who want to be known as communists should conscientiously study the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin, as well as the works of the Prorivists, if they ever want to see red flags flying in America that are not part of a publicity stunt.

R Turner

